To what extent were the conflicts between Iran and Iraq and Iraq and Kuwait fought over oil resources? To what extent were they religious?

The Iran-Iraq war mainly a religion war between Saddam Hussein and Ayatollah Khomeini, it lasted from 1980 to 1988. It started when the Shiites took over Iran, replacing the Shah with Ayatollah Khomeini. Obviously, Saddam Hussein response to the revolution was anger and violence. Although both opposing sides focused on gaining as much territory as possible, the focal point for the war was their different beliefs in religion. On the other hand, the Kuwait and Gulf War in 1991, focused on oil and resources. As George Bush proclaimed " No more Munichs", he placed sanctions on Iraq forcing them to pull out. A coalition of 30 countries was also created to stop Iraq, Kuwait was liberated within 4 days. All in all, resources and religion both impacted and initiated the wars that occurred in the Middle East.

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